Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Whole 30 Start Date

If you read my last post you know that I have invited to you start a Whole 30 journey with me. 
Great right?... You may not think so due to the date I have decided to start. 

I have decided to start my Whole 30 lifestyle on Monday, December 30th

Yes, before New Years Eve.
Don't let this stop you, please let me explain. 

I have chosen to start my Whole 30 on December 30th for 3 reasons...

#1. December 30th is a Monday. 
I have a Type A personality all the way. If I were to say I was going to start something on a Wednesday (Jan. 1st), I would wait until the following Monday to actually start because that is just the insane way my brain works...and that crazy reasoning gives me 5 days to talk myself out of doing it all together. 

I'm not joking, this is a real reason for the December start date. 

#2. I'm eliminating a night of indulgence
New Year's Eve is often a night when people go "all out". Eating rich foods, drinking cocktails, and let's not forget that mid-night champagne toast. When I was thinking about my start date, I decided that I was going to honor myself & the process of eliminating things in my life that are not beneficial to me. Indulging on New Year's Eve isn't going to do anything for me other than leave me bloated, exhausted, & with a possible hangover in the morning. Mitchell & I will be ringing in the New Year with a sparkling water toast...they even have a strawberry champagne flavored seltzer out now. ;) 

#3. I hate resolutions. 
I have never kept a resolution 
This year I'm going to be 3 days in on my new lifestyle change, and I won't even be thinking my yearly January 1st  thoughts of  "this is a day of new beginnings! I can change TODAY! Forever starts NOW!"....only to be broken and defeated 5 days later. 
Besides, God promises that His mercies & strength are new everyday...every morning...why do I put limits on that truth & think there are only certain days I can "reset"? (hmmm....apparently I still need to work on this...see reason #1 above)

This year, I'm taking a stand & proving to myself that I can do this. I'm going to skip a national day of indulgence, trust that God has my back, and love myself enough to do what is right for my body & emotional health. 

So there you have it...why I'm starting a new lifestyle at the end of the year instead of at the beginning of the new one. 

If you were to start on the 30th with me, what would your reasoning be? I would love to hear about it! 

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